Saturday, December 17, 2011

Series of dreams #1

During this school term, I took an acting class, for which we were ask to think of a dream we've had in our lives, write it, and present it. Because of these, I thought it would be an interesting idea to have a some of my dreams published here. So, here we go, this will be my first dream of the series

"The Blue Room"
I had a dream, and in that dream I was inside a very big and dark room. I still remember it'scolors were a very deep blue and black. It was difficult to tell exactly how big or short the room was, everything inside of it seem to be lost with the colors. Walls, furniture, items, most of those things had the very same color pattern. But in the middle of that room, there was a table, a black table with dark blue edges and I remember that I was sitting on a pillow with three more friends, one besides me and two infront of me.

I remember I was holding something in my hands. Cards, that's what I was holding, but those were not poker cards or anything, they looked and felt different, I look closer, for some reason I can see them more clear now, the cards I was holding are fom an RPG game named "Magic the Gathering". Then I saw my friends, they were holdin those cards too. The two people are looking at me, basically telling me that it was my turn, I see the cards on my hands and I see the cards on the table. It was my typical deck, white and green. Then, as I see these cards I remembered everything, we were playing a tag match, me and the friend besides me against the two people infront of us.
My turn, I summon a creature card, monotype white. Turn, my friend is using only red for his deck, plays a mountain and then a creature. Turn, the other two start talking to each other, the one on the right summons an artifact. Turn, the second one uses his lands to summon a blue creature. Turn.

Four more turns went by, without any attacks on either part, however, as I am summoning my next white creature, the card starts to shine, something is happening to it, I don't care, I put the card on the table, and from it, a small creature appears, but that creature does not resamble the drawing of my card, but it's familiar, then I take closer look and realize is a Pokemon, a Pikachu. I watch the rest of the table for a moment, all the creaturs start shinning and creatures start appearing from them and all of them are pokemon! I see my opponent has an Squirtle, a Kingdra, Starmie. The second one only has a Skarmory, so I dicide to attack him. "Pikachu, attack!" But the attack is not directed to the player as I supposed it was going to be, instead, my Pikachu attaks the Squirtle. This pokemon desapears and the card goes to the graveyard. I start to understand how this is working. My creatures are only going to attack the other players creatures, unless I defeat them, I cannot attack his life points. My friend also attacks with his Darmanitan, taking care of the Skarmory.

Turns keep on coming and going, then my partner decides to go the washroom, because we had the upperhand. The battle was near it's end, a few more turns and it would have been our victory. Because the battle stopped, the pokemon disapeard momentarily, I thought they would only appear again once the battle resumes. But, as my friend goes to the washroom, I see how one of the people in front of me stands up, he has something in his hands, it's a bottle, a yellow plastic bottle. Mustard? Yeah! Is mustard! What is he going to do? Oh no... Oh no! he is spilling the mustard on top of our cards! He is smiling! "Who's winning now, huh?" I can't belive what I am looking at! We were winning fair and square, but this guy just goes and ruins it and as I stand to confront him... My alarm clock goes off. And that, was the end of my dream.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Words of love and dispair

Well, this poem in only half mine. I wrote it on January 2010 with the help of my friend (alias) Litoff.

"Upon darkness alone I walk
While with these words to you I talk
Escaping from woundering words
That you to me told

Trying to forget it all
I don't want to see you anymore
Cold lost love tears fall onto the floor
And that is not a joke
Thigther I tie the rope
But you don't care at all

Desperatly I look for you
Because that is what I want to do
But I will say something before I go
So that you may know my trued
'Before I live in eternal doom
I should have been the only one for you'
May these words set me free
And out of the blue
This are my last words for you"

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Aquel día caí en la cuenta
Cuando por vez primera tus ojos veía
De cuan grande era mi dicha

Ver tu silueta
Radiante como la luz del día,
Tan siquiera por un corto instante,
Brinda a mi corazón gran alegría

El resplandecer de tu sonrisa,
Equiparable únicamente
Al del sol en un bello día
Logran, simplemente,
Que quiera gritar con rebeldía

El sonar de tu voz,
Al igual que una bella canción,
Llena a mi corazón de emoción
Mientras tarareo,
Al compaz de la estación,
El cantar de éste mi corazón

Flame of the Soul

Well, while looking at some old stuff I found this, a poem that I wrote... around February 2010. So then, I hope you like it

"For the love in our soul
We should sing a song
Which calm the angry troll

The flame of heatred
might be extinguished
Only with the passion of the soul

Seek for happiness
Seek for love
And don't let that person go

Be at peace
Be at ease
For this, your last love is"

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Rock & Roll

Haven't really post anything in a while, so I'll show you a little dance practice, hope you enjoy it ;)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Well, we have a little bit of all. Clubs of any kind (over 300 student-run), inside-outside pool, events of all kind, like "Storm The Wall" and the "Underware Run"... but one of the things that I really like about UBC-Vancouver, is that everything is possible when you are here.

You don't belive me? Then watch the following video:
and see what your school could be like if it smelled like UBC-Vancouver ;)